Click here to return to the VHDL Reference Guide. (last edit: 24. september 2012)


A subtype declaration is used to give an explicit name to a subtype, which is itself a type plus a constraint. The constraint is used to restrict the values that a data object can take during simulation or synthesis. An anonymous subtype occurs when a DataType with a constraint is used directly without declaring a named subtype.


  subtype NewName is DataType;


See Declaration


A subtype is compatible with its base type, and shares the same operations as its base type. An array type can only be constrained once, whereas with an integer or enumeration type you can create subtypes of subtypes ad infinitum.


  subtype Std_logic is Resolved Std_ulogic;
  subtype MyBit is Std_logic range '0' to '1';
  subtype ShortVector is Std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

See Also

Type, Data Type, Range